379 Student College of Clinical Pharmacy provides education about medications and fall risk for Akron Area Agency on Aging care managers

Monday, October 22, 2012
Westin Diplomat Resort
Mary E. Fredrickson, Pharm.D., Candidate, Andrew Smith, Pharm.D., Candidate, Patrick Gallegos, Pharm.D., R.Ph., BCPS, Mate Soric, Pharm.D., BCPS and Susan Fosnight, RPh, CGP, BCPS
Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of a Student College of Clinical Pharmacy presentation seeking to educate case managers on falls and their effects on the elderly population. The study also assessed the care managers' global response to the educational sessions.

Methods: The Northeast Ohio Medical University Student College of Clinical Pharmacy organization prepared a short presentation as a community outreach project for the Akron Area Agency on Aging (AAoA) care managers  to improve their understanding of the effect of falls in the geriatric population and prevention strategies. This presentation was delivered on multiple occasions in the spring and summer of 2012. Voluntary and confidential pre- and post-surveys were administered to the care managers. The surveys were used to assess various items including, but not limited to; pertinence, level of comfort, application of covered skills, and overall perception of educational sessions.

Results: Descriptive statistics to be evaluated upon completion of the study.

Conclusions: To be determined upon completion of the study.