348 A Retrospective Study Evaluating Hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C) Control in a Pharmacist Run Diabetes Clinic

Monday, October 22, 2012
Westin Diplomat Resort
Raynold V. Yin, B.S., Josephine A. Quach, B.S., Justin W. Bouw, Pharm., D. and Rebecca A. Keel, Pharm., D.
California Northstate University College of Pharmacy, Rancho Cordova, CA

Purpose: This retrospective study evaluates the impact of a pharmacist-managed diabetes program on lowering Hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C) using a structured diabetes mellitus (DM) education class combined with individualized disease state management.

Methods: This retrospective outcomes study focuses on the DM population in the Sacramento County Primary Care Clinic. Patients who were included in this study were referred to the DM clinic by their primary care physician (PCP). The clinic is comprised of two components: (1) a DM education class and (2) a pharmacist-managed DM medication management program designed to help patients achieve individualized goals based on the ADA guidelines. Newly diagnosed patients with HgbA1C >8% or established patients with HgbA1C >9%, significant compliance issues, and/or signs and symptoms of DM complications are eligible for disease state management. The DM education class is a structured group-based intervention, providing basic information on disease state, and focusing on principles of self-management. Patients are followed in clinic until discharge, which occurs if the patient meets individualized glycemic goals, if they no-show two appointments in a row, or at the PCP’s request.

Results: In progress, pending IRB approval.

Conclusion: As challenges and medication regimens for patients become more complicated it becomes increasingly vital for pharmacist to engage in patient education and medication management.  Consequently this study attempts to illustrate the importance of utilizing pharmacists in the primary care setting when treating patients with DM, specifically exploring the effects of combining a structured group-based educational intervention with individualized clinical management.