375 Professional Development Opportunities through the ACCP network at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University

Monday, October 22, 2012
Westin Diplomat Resort
Esther Liu, Pharm.D., Candidate, 20131 and Rolee Pathak, Pharm.D., BCPS2
1Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, NJ

Professional Development Opportunities through the ACCP network at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University. Esther Liu, Pharm.D. Candidate 2013, Rolee P. Das, Pharm.D., BCPS

Purpose: Since the introduction of the ACCP student network in 2010, the Rutgers University ACCP network student leaders have established a chapter and have implemented various programs with the objective of helping pharmacy students sharpen their clinical and professional knowledge .

Methods: This observational study was conducted from September 2011 – May 2012 among professional pharmacy students at Rutgers University. Event attendance was used to evaluate student interest in ACCP and its growth as a newly established pharmacy organization on campus. CV/Interview workshop: Collaborated with New Jersey Health System Pharmacists (NJSHP) “Lunch and learn” series: One-hour case presentations Rotation Roundtable: 6th year pharmacy students answer questions on how to prepare for advanced practice rotations Rutgers Day Collaboration: Collaboration with American Pharmacists Association-Assocation of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)'s Operation Diabetes Committee Shadowing opportunity: Potential opportunity pairing pharmacy students with clinicians to observe different roles of clinical pharmacy

Results:  Student attendance at CV/ Interview workshop, Rotation Roundtable, Rutgers Day Collaboration were 28, 35, and 15; respectively. “Lunch and learn” participation was smaller (around 10 per event). About 45 students signed up to participate in the potential shadowing program.

Conclusions: The Rutgers network used attendance to gauge student interest. Trends show higher participation in general professional events rather than specific educational events possibly because the mini-lectures are a new concept to Rutgers students. Students attending “Lunch and learn” series were usually active ACCP members. As the organization grows, the number of regular members will hopefully also increase. To ensure development, innovative topic presentations should be introduced. Student network activities at Rutgers University will continue to provide opportunities for intellectual and professional growth.